Meeting Archive
Recorded August 13, 2021
DMCC Emergency Member Meeting
Topic(s) For Discussion
Discuss emerging trend of client requests for cancellations or postponements.
Contemplate contractual issues regarding letter of engagement, non-refundable payments, force majeure clause versus covid-19 acknowledgment provision, and amendments to existing service agreements.
Consider HIPAA issues, vaccination records, and employee records.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Scheduled for Wednesday, August 25, 2021.
Recorded July 28, 2021
DMCC Member Meeting
Topic(s) For Discussion
Introduce several guests attending today's meeting.
Brief reference to latest trend occurring throughout the industry with respect to program cancellations.
We continue our roleplaying exercise to discuss the types of questions currently being posed by clients upon contracting, their preferred responses, and the context behind these conversations.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Scheduled for Wednesday, August 25, 2021.
Recorded June 30, 2021
DMCC Member Meeting
Topic(s) For Discussion
Introduce IVI DMC as our latest member of DMC Coalition.
Brief overview of our latest survey results.
We chat with several brave DMCC members in a roleplaying exercise about the types of questions currently being posed by clients upon contracting, their preferred responses, and the context behind these conversations.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Scheduled for Wednesday, July 28, 2021.
Recorded June 22, 2021
DMCC / ADMEI Webinar
The Advancement of DMCs: A panel discussion focusing on defining the program life cycle, the procurement process, revised pricing models, recommended nomenclature, and time tracking.
Panelists include: (i) Paul Cataudella, Founder of DMC Coalition; (ii) Candace Bisconte, Partner at Eventis Destination Services and Member of DMCC; (iii) Robyn Bass, Founder of Maple Ridge Events and Member of DMCC; (iv) Jill Tate, Founder of Corinthian Events; and (v) Paul Miller, Managing Director of Spectra (UK).
Recorded June 2, 2021
DMCC Member Meeting
Topic(s) For Discussion
Team up again with Corey Broadhurst from Brown & Brown Insurance to discuss the most important insurance related issues for DMCs, including vendor management, cyber policies, and business interruption insurance.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Scheduled for Wednesday, June 23, 2021.
Recorded April 28, 2021
DMCC Member Meeting
Topic(s) For Discussion
Share update on outcome of arbitration involving a fellow DMC and discuss.
Chat with fellow DMCC members from across the globe about their take on the current climate of the DMC industry and what's going on with their own DMCs.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Scheduled for Wednesday, May 26, 2021.
Recorded April 7, 2021
DMCC Member Meeting
Introduce new member (i.e., Debbie Misajon of The Coconut Traveler, LLC).
Review latest survey results.
Topic(s) For Discussion
Corey Broadhurst of Brown & Brown Insurance leads a discussion on insurance and DMCs.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Scheduled for Wednesday, April 28, 2021.
Recorded March 24, 2021
DMCC Member Meeting
Preparing revised version of Thesis for publication in cooperation with ADMEI.
Working on establishing relationship with Live Events Coalition w/ help of a fellow member.
Working on securing a speaking/roundtable spot at IRF w/ help of fellow members.
DMCC Library
Vendor agreement added to library.
Discuss suggestions for future additions to library (e.g., NDA’s for financial disclosures, photo releases, field staff agreements).
Topic(s) For Discussion
Considerations for hiring and re-hiring DMC personnel.
Key components of Model Vendor Agreement.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Scheduled for Wednesday, April 7, 2021.
Hosting an insurance professional that will discuss insurance matters specific to DMCs.
Recorded March 3, 2021
DMCC Member Meeting
Latest status w/ new DMC Coalition website and its functionality.
DMCC Library
Vendor agreement will be complete by next week.
Topic(s) For Discussion
A fellow DMC's personal experience with defending a lawsuit arising out of an alleged breach of contract (i.e., cancellation v. force majeure).
Scheduling Next Meeting
Scheduled for Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Recorded February 17, 2021
DMCC Member Meeting
​Introduction of new DMCC members (i.e., E2 Events, Evolution Event Solutions, GPS Destinations & Events, and Just Right! Destination Management).
Update on collaboration w/ ADMEI regarding pricing models and procurement processes.
DMCC Library
Vendor agreement nearing completion. Stay tuned for updates.
Topic(s) For Discussion
PPP Loans and SVO Grants.
Copyright considerations for virtual and in-person events.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Scheduled for Wednesday, March 3, 2021.
Will likely discuss key takeaways from upcoming trial.
Recorded January 27, 2021
DMCC Member Meeting
Introduction of new DMCC members (i.e., Erin Cook w/ E2 Events).
Update on collaboration w/ ADMEI regarding pricing models and procurement processes.
Topic(s) For Discussion
2021: Proposed Compensation Provision and Accompanying Cancellation Terms.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, February 17, 2021.
Recorded January 20, 2021
DMCC Roundtable Discussion
Topic: How to foster a healthy and transparent relationship between DMCs and their clients, with an emphasis on issues pertaining to existing and prospective pricing models and procurement processes. DMCs and their clients offer their perspectives on these issues and collaborate in order to work toward a truly mutually beneficial relationship.
Marty MacKay of Hosts Global
Benoit Sauvage of Connect DMC
Joe Fijol of Ethos Event Collective
Patricia Kerr of Nationwide Insurance
Jennifer Squeglia of RLC Events
Recorded January 13, 2021
DMCC Member Meeting
Introduction of new DMCC members (i.e., Allyson O’Connor w/ NXTevent & Erin Cook w/ E2 Events).
Reminder to enter “DMCC” as the password to enter all future meetings.
Brief review of latest survey results.
Necessary modification to COVID-19 related contract language. Most references to COVID-19 should follow with “(or a similar bacterial or viral disease)”, as a result of new variants.
DMCC roundtable w/ DMCC members and clients confirmed for week of 1/18.
SITE Global Conference roundtable w/ DMCC members and clients confirmed for week of 2/1.
DMCC Library
A reminder that the model event service agreement is now available.
The vendor agreement is nearing completion and will be available before a model event service agreement for virtual/hybrid events.
Topic(s) For Discussion
2021: A Thesis on the Advancement of DMC’s
2021: Proposed Compensation Provision and Accompanying Cancellation Terms
Scheduling Next Meeting
Tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, January 27, 2021.
* Please note: This meeting was recorded in two parts. To access Part II, please click here.
Recorded December 22, 2020
DMCC Member Meeting
Introduction of new DMCC member (i.e., Ovation Global DMC).
Year end recap of DMCC’s accomplishments.
Industry messaging is complete and pending final review.
DMCC roundtable w/ DMCC members and a client to be scheduled in January.
SITE roundtable w/ DMCC members and a client scheduled for SITE Global Conference.
Trial set for late February regarding lawsuit against fellow DMC regarding program cancellation.
Government: Reaching out to County Supervisor Jim Desmond to discuss duplicating his recent victory on behalf of San Diego restaurants for the events industry.
Insurance: Still seeking a reliable contact that would be interested in sharing their impressions and knowledge with DMCC. Please make an email introduction of anyone you believe is a good fit.
DMCC Library
Model event service agreement now available.
Proposed pricing model language is complete and will become available shortly.
Topic(s) For Discussion
Newly added terms to the model event service agreement and their meaning. Download here.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, January 13, 2020.
Recorded December 8, 2020
DMCC Member Meeting
News around the industry from DMCC members.
Checkout this webinar about the future of events in 2021 that our fellow member, Deidre Everdij, was a panelist for.
Brief overview of survey results. If you haven’t already taken it, please do so.
Update regarding recent conversations with ADMEI and the model service agreement.
Brief update regarding industry messaging/communication.
Brief update on pending litigation on behalf of DMC.
Still seeking a reliable contact that would be interested in sharing their knowledge with DMCC. Please make an email introduction of anyone you believe may be a good fit.
DMCC Library
Vendor agreement is forthcoming.
Topic(s) For Discussion
ADA compliance and its relevance to DMCs, their websites, and their virtual meetings and events.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, December 22, 2020.
Recorded November 24, 2020
DMCC Member Meeting
Topic(s) For Discussion
In this regularly scheduled DMC Coalition member meeting, Paul leads a conversation amongst DMCC members and Patrick Gahagan of InHouse Physicians. InHouse Physicians is an organization created nearly 30 years ago for the purpose of providing access to convenient, high-quality medical care for attendees with acute healthcare needs at corporate meetings and events. Patrick discusses issues around duty of care, risk mitigation, and program logistics. Patrick also shares his insight on the current state of the industry and fields members' questions.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, December 8, 2020.
Recorded November 11, 2020
DMCC Member Meeting
Added Code of Ethics (located on our FAQ page).
Added live event tracker survey and latest results (located in community forum).
Don’t forget about Mutika’s webinar on 11/12 (details found in community forum).
Brief overview of survey results. If you haven’t already taken it, please do so.
Requesting a volunteer to organize a calendar of upcoming industry events, seminars, panels, etc.
Seeking a reliable contact that would be interested in sharing their knowledge.
Software Development
HopSkip. See attached material for more information.
DMCC Library
Amendment Agreement
Tutorial TBD. Don’t forget to download from the library if you haven’t done so already.
Revised Model Service Agreement
Completion date nearing.
Tutorial TBD.
Scheduled additions based on survey results:
Vendor Agreement
Virtual/Hybrid Event Services Agreement
Confidentiality Agreement or NDA
Topic(s) For Discussion
Industry messaging/communication. See attached material roughly outlining proposed messaging (Please note: This is nowhere near a final version. This is only being used to organize everyone’s input regarding the matter).
With recent news around a vaccine, the conclusion of the election, and a market rally, how should DMCs be responding?
Scheduling Next Meeting
Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, November 24, 2020.
Recorded October 28, 2020
DMCC Member Meeting
Added feature to Member Dashboard (i.e., video archive of meetings and tutorials).
Members’ interest in a directory of fellow members added to their dashboard.
Downloadable link to DMCC logos available on FAQ page.
Promotion for referral of other DMCs to the DMC Coalition.
Summary of work performed by Working Groups through present.
Collaboratives ​
Attorneys​ - Update regarding feedback on first draft of model service agreement.
DMCC Library
Addition of Amendment Agreement
Discuss exclusively during next member call or separately.
Scheduled additions (will be subject to survey):
Revised Event Services Agreement
Virtual/Hybrid Event Services Agreement
Confidentiality Agreement or NDA
Vendor Agreement
Topic(s) For Discussion
Current and forecasted state of affairs within members’ respective DMCs and destination(s);
Virtual meetings and the shipment of alcohol across state lines;
Classification of field staff and seasonal workers (independent contractor v. employee); and/or
What CRMs members are using, to what degree, and with how much success.
Business & Legal Briefing on DMC’s and the Industry
Newly filed case against Disney regarding cancellation v. force majeure.
Scheduling Next Meeting
Recorded October 14, 2020
DMCC Member Meeting
Confidentiality and privacy of member identity, information, and participation.
Format and content of the DMCC October Rundown (Newsletter).
Survey results from Rundown.
DMCC member meeting frequency.
Summary and confirmation of new and existing Working Groups.
DMCC Logo.
Software Development Company
Insurance Professional
DMCC Library
Introduction of first draft of model service agreement.
Scheduled additions to the library include:
Amendment to Service Agreement.
Confidentiality Agreement or NDA.
Business & Legal Briefing on DMC’s and the Industry
Update on pending arbitration between DMC and their client.
Constitutionality of government orders restricting gatherings and events.
Reference to newly introduced contract clause re legal fees cost shifting.
Scheduling Next Meeting